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Showing posts with the label New Year Resolution

New Beginnings

New Year. New Life. New Chances. New Beginnings.  Everybody is making a list of things and habits they want to leave from the past. The usual New Year's resolutions. I will be strict on my diet on this year to be sexy and meet some hot guys .  Well this a good New Year's resolution but I don't like it. It will be best if you work out try doing exercises for yourself, for your health and for self-love. Some people will have resolutions to make themselves better and improve and that is a good thing actually. The problem is they tend to do it to impress and be loved by other people, to fit in and feel belong. This is unhealthy. This is the start of insecurities and toxicity of life leading to mental and emotional issues. Some finally decided to help themselves  and get their life together by starting to finally clean their place. The dirty bedrooms, messy clothes that are scattered everywhere, old habits dragging them down and even toxic relatioships with their lovers and f...